I know that everyday at least 1 person feels like a failure and it's perfectly normal. Everyone has their ups and downs but we should know how to get up and deal with it. There's no use in dwelling on the past mistakes we've done, all we could do is stand up and learn from it. With this, I listed 3 things that you should do if you feel like a failure.
1. Improve, improve, improve
- Learn from those mistakes you made and do your best to gather more information and inspirations to improve your work.
2. Dwelling on it won't help
- Why dwell on the past and hurt yourself emotionally when you could make things better with your goal in mind? Always think of the present my friend.
3. Don't give up
- You're gonna give up on your goals just because of one mistake that happened? Think about it. This is what you want and all the effort you're going to give is gonna be worth it. Do this for yourself. Do this because it's your passion.
You can do it! (Here's a photo of me with my band mates, I'm thankful that I'm part of this)
Don't be afraid to e-mail me at michelle_joanne2008@yahoo.com for advice. I make advices for love, life and studies. If you feel like giving up, talk to me and we'll make you feel better. You're wonderful. Also, feel free to follow me on GFC and Bloglovin' on the sidebar.