Thursday, April 23, 2015

Vanillant's Blog Critique

Happy Thursday everyone! I decided to critique blogs and check them out in order to find new blogger friends and follow new accounts. There are a lot of bloggers who want to know what people think about their blogs so I found a way to help you guys. It's called Vanillant's Blog Critique.

The procedures are simple:
1. Follow me in GFC and Bloglovin' (links on the sidebar) and state what number you are in my follower's list in the comments below. For example: I'm #8 in Bloglovin' and #14 in GFC. 
2. Tell me you want to be critiqued in the comments. For example: "Please critque my blog"
3. Don't forget to state your blog link. It's funny if you did the first 2 procedures and forget to state your blog link. 

Simple right? All free and you don't even have to spend much effort typing.

What I'm going to do:
1. I will comment on your latest post judging the blog by the following: 
  • What I think the blog is about
  • Theme & its relevance to content
  • Social media buttons or links (Is it easy to find?)
  • About Page
  • Content of blog (Are the posts compelling?) 
  • Advice (Optional)
2. I will follow the blogs that catch my eye. If I did not follow you but you want me to follow you back, be free to comment on my latest post telling me to do so. (I will follow you)

NOTE: Please do not be offended because I will be completely honest in my evaluation. This is for your own good but please remember that what I will say is opinionated and it's still your choice if you want to follow my advice. 

Comment down below and I will answer as I see notifications. Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Set them free

(grabbed from google images)

I'm the only child in the family and of course it's natural to have overprotective parents. It would be tragic for them to have something unfortunate to happen to their child. Yes, this could also apply to children with siblings.  It's hard to trust people these days especially in the cities because a lot of crimes happen. These happenings are reported in the news so parents can see them. This would naturally give them a feeling of nervousness.

I have experienced circumstances when I had to have a chaperone with me when I'm with my friends and it was a horrible experience for me because I felt immature, innocent and dependent. My friends were all alone and free without anyone hindering them. I was even deprived of commuting home because I might be "kidnapped" by the tricycle driver which really annoyed me. I was really envious of the people who were free to explore and enjoy in the city. In turn, I felt disappointed with my parents because of that attitude.

So if you are a parent, please take time to keep this in mind. Set your child/children free and don't hinder their happiness, especially when they're in the age where they could do things on their own. If they're aged 13 and above they could be taught to be independent. Yes, you could limit your child/children if you think that they are abusing the chances you give them, the people with them are bad influences or you are sure that the place they are going to is unsafe.

Don't overthink that things will happen to them because you will hinder their happiness and make them distant to you, at the same time you will heighten the chances of things happening to them because your thoughts are everything.

Most of all remember: "Overprotective parents raise sneaky children." which is more dangerous.

Don't be afraid to e-mail me at for advice. I make advices for love, life and studies. If you feel like giving up, talk to me and we'll make you feel better. You're wonderful. Also, feel free to follow me on GFC and Bloglovin' on the sidebar.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Posting Schedule

Hey guys! I decided to have a schedule for posting so that people will know when to view my blog or see some new updates. I decided to have it every Tuesdays and/or Thursdays because I believe that I am available on those days. I'm going to blog as much as possible because I'm definitely going to be much more busy in college. I better use this summer wisely.

I would also like to thank the people who check my blog and comment on my posts because they mean so much to me. Comment down below if you want me to check out yours (I follow the accounts that catch my eye).

Don't be afraid to e-mail me at for advice. I make advices for love, life and studies. If you feel like giving up, talk to me and we'll make you feel better. You're wonderful. Also, feel free to follow me on GFC and Bloglovin' on the sidebar.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Versatile Blogger Awardee

(I reworked the logo but if you want to use the original one click here.)

Hey guys!

I’m sorry for not updating my blog that much. I was too busy with school stuff and travelling. Now that I’m an official graduate of high school then I’m probably going to update so much more!
I would like to thank Victoria for tagging me. She commented on my post entitled 2 Books I recommend. This is the first time I’ve heard of this probably because this is the first time I’m tagged.

Let’s get going!

You just have to simply follow these instructions:
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers that are relatively new to blogging.
  • Let the bloggers know that you've nominated them (either thru email or comments).
  • Share 10 random facts about yourself.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.
10 facts about me:
  1. I’m deeply in love with gaming. I play League of Legends often. Username: okaylangako (PH server) Don't go adding me on the NA server!!!
  2. Other than blogging, I make covers as well.  It would really be an honor if you check out my Soundcloud & Youtube accounts. Please, please, please. I will love you forever.
  3. Siomai is the best food for me. Siomai with chilly is the best (They sell this at our school and I eventually became addicted to it)
  4. I’m in the interpersonal side. I like communicating and not that good in writing. I prefer talking in front or reciting than taking tests and memorizing stuff.
  5. I’m addicted to clothes. Especially preppy & pastel clothing. I'm more of the conservative type but of course, still stylish. 
  6. I’m the only child. This is why my parents are too overprotective, but at the same time buy me things I like most of the time.
  7. I watch anime. I'm one of the believers that anime gives you a lot of lessons in life. Also, anime is badass. Check out my anime list here.
  8. You can associate me with the color light coral pink. 
  9. I’m part of a band. I'm one of the lead vocalists. We call ourselves "The Sirens" and we perform in our school whenever there's an event.
  10. I’m an optimist. I believe that life would be happier if you look at the bright side of things.
I nominate these bloggers and their respective blog:
  1. Micaela of Note + Rain
  2. Nicole of Carpe Diem
  3. Sammie of Sammie the Star Girl
  4. Isabella of Sincerely, Isabella
  5. Lizzie of World of Noise
  6. Liz Cristina of Liz Cristina
  7. Tiara of Little Tiara
  8. Ying of YingcBeauty
  9. Ellie of YoCandy
  10. Kasumi of Hey Kasumi
  11. Zori of Iris Shades
  12. Yukitty of Yukitty
  13. Takeda of Takeda's Blog
  14. Jurika of Beautiful Fairytale 
  15. Meo of Porcelain Dust
I’d really appreciate it if you guys join. Thanks!

Don't be afraid to e-mail me at for advice. I make advices for love, life and studies. If you feel like giving up, talk to me and we'll make you feel better. You're wonderful. Also, feel free to follow me on GFC and Bloglovin' on the sidebar.